Friday, July 29, 2011


            SMALLWHITE-EYE                                       (Zosterops palpebrosa)
Kuda Sithasiya              10cm                             l=vd is;dishd  
Found in open wooded areas of the lowlands and medium hills. An active little bird. Yellowed than the Ceylon Hill White-eye, lives in pairs or small parties. Sexes alike.

White eye ring with a small gap in the anterior region.

Endemic species
Forest, gardens, cultivations.

            CEYLON HILL WHITE-EYE                                              (E)(Zosterops ceylonensis)
            Lanka Sithasiya                                    10cm                                                ,xld is;dishd

Common in the higher hills wherever there are trees. A restless bird, darker green than the Small White-eye and usually seen in fairly large flocks, twittering as they search for their insect prey among the leaves. Sexes alike.

White eye ring with a large gap in the anterior region.
Endemic species
Forest, scrub jungle, gardens, cultivations.

CEYLON GREY-HEADED FLYCATCHER                         (Gulicicapa ceylonensis) 
Hisa Alu-masimara                              9cm                                      ysi wˆ ueisudrd

An unsay and lively little bird of the hill country forests and wooded areas. Sexes alike.

Endemic species
Forest, garden

                    CEYLON AZURE FLYCATCHER                                      (m)(Monarcha azurea)
Nil Radamara                                      15cm                                                    ks,a roudrd

Usually found in the forested areas of the lowlands, but occasionally in the mid hills. An active bird, sometimes seen bathing in the late afternoon by diving into a pool from a nearby branch.

Female: duller and greyer, more brown than male.

Endemic species
Forest, gardens.

                    DUSKY- BLUE FLYCATCHER                                                      (E)(Muscicapa sordida)
Lanka Anduru Nil-masimara                 14cm                                       ,xld wÿqre ks,a ueisudrd

Found in wooed areas of the hill country. Often seen catching its insect prey in typical flycatcher fashion with a quick sally out and back from a branch. Sexes alike.

Endemic species
Forest, gardens, well wooded ravines.

                    KASHMIR RED-BREASTED FLY- CATCHER               (Muscicapa parva)
Kashmira layarathu-masimara               13cm               ldIaóSr <h r;= ueisudrd

Regular winter visitor to the hill country. Found in gardens and wooded areas. Usually seen hopping about the ground searching for insects. Sexes alike.

White patches on base of outer tail feathers.

Male : Throat, breast and upper belly reddish-yellow.
Male : Throat, breast and upper belly brown.

Endemic species
Forest edge, gardens, cultivations.

                    CEYLON TAILOR-BIRD                                                    (m)(Orthotomus sutorius)
Battichcha                                                        13cm                                        nÜáÑpd

Found in scrubland throughout the Island. Usually seen feeding in bushes while uttering aloud continuous “twik, twik, twik .  .  .” The nest is beautifully made by “stitching” large leaves together, and filling the interior with fibers etc. Sexes alike.
But females have a shorter tail.

            Two subspecies, indistinguishable in the field.

Endemic species
gardens, scrub.

                    VELVET-FRONTED BLUE NUTHATCH                                                 (Sitta frontalis)
Villuda alika Yatikirittha                                    13cm                            ú,aÆo w<sl hálÞrs;a;d

Found in wooded areas of the hills and low country. Usually seen moving jerkily down a tree trunk searching the bark for insects. Sexes almost alike.

Forehead black. Pinkish buff belly and flanks. Bright red bill.
The habit of moving head down on branches is characteristic.   

Endemic species 
Forest (on trunks).

                    CEYLON IORA                                                                                             (Aegithina tiphia)
Iorava                                                              15cm                                                    wfhdrdjd

Frequents wooded areas. Normally found in the dry zone lowlands, but also in the wet zone. An active little bird of the tree tops. Lives in pairs.

            White rump.
            Male : dark blue-black upper parts. Yellow under parts
            Female: greenish tinged with yellow upper parts.

Endemic species
Forest, Gardens

                   SMALL CEYLON BARBET or CEYLON COPPERSMITH        (Megalaima rubricapilla)
Oluwa Rathu Kottouwa                                    14cm                            T¿j r;= fldÜfgdarejd

Found throughout the wet zone to altitudes of 4000 ft (1200 m), and in pockets of the dry zone. Song reminiscent of a tinker tapping on metal, and usually heard frim the top of a tree, Sexes alike.

            Forehead and small breast patch, red. Lighter green below.

Endemic species
Forest, Gardens

                  CRIMSON- BREASTED BARBET                                    (Megalaima haemacephala)
Botuwa Rathu Kottouwa                                  15cm                            fndgqj r;= fldÜfgdarejd

Found throughout the lowlands mid hills of the dry zone, in open wooded areas. A brid of the tree tops, often heard giving its slow repetitive call “wop . . . .  wop . . . . wop . . . . wop . . . . etc. Sexes alike.

Forehead and large breast patch, red. Belly pale yellowish, broadly with green.

Endemic species
Forest, Gardens

                  CEYLON LORIKEET                                                          (m)(E)(Loriculus beryllinus)
Lanka Giramaliththa                              14cm                                        ,xld .srdu,s;a;d

Found in mid and low country wooded areas. Utters a high pitched squeaky trill while flying. It sleeps upside down clinging to a small twig, and when feeding can be seen clambering along a branch, hanging on at odd angles. Females duller.

Small, short square tail.

Male: Small blue patch on throat.
Female: duller than male with only traces of a blue throat patch

Endemic species
Forest, Gardens

                  CEYLON COMMON KINGFISHER                                                         (Alcedo atthis)
Podu Mal Pilihuduwa                            18 cm                                       fmdÿ u,a-ms,syqvqjd

Found throughout the Island in small numbers wherever there are tanks and rivers. Usually seen sitting alone on some vantage point beside water, or flying swiftly, low over the water, uttering its high pitched piping call. Sexes alike.

                  YELLOW- FRONTED PIED WOODPECKER                  (m)(Dendrocopus mahrattensis)
Pithagra Gomara-Kerala                                   19 cm                           mS;d.% f.daur-lEr,d

Normally found in wooded areas of the eastern dry zone and medium hills. Seen in pairs or family parties searching a tree trunk for insects. Females have no red on their heads.

                   INDIAN PITTA                                                                                             (Pitta brachyura)
Avichchiya                                            19 cm                                                               wúÉÑhd

Regular winter visitor. Found in the hills and low country, wherever there is good cover. A solitary bird normally seen on the ground. Sexes alike

                   BAYA WEAVER                                                                               (m)(Ploceus philippinus)
Ruk Wadu-Kurulla                               15 cm                                       rela jvq-l=re,a,d

Prefers the dry zone lowlands and lower hills wherever there are trees. The female is sparrow like with yellow, and they live in large colonies. The nest, often placed over water, is a long pendulum cleverly woven with grasses and hanging from a small twig.

                   STRIATED WEAVER                                                                      (m)(Ploceus manyar)
Pan Wadu-Kurulla                                15 cm                                       mka jvq-l=re,a,d

Found in the low country reed beds and marshy areas. Lives in large noisy colonies, weaving its nests among the tall reeds. The female is sparrow like and lacks the yellow crown

                   CEYLON LITTLE MINIVET                                              (Pericrocotus cinnamomeus)
Kuda Miniwittha                                   16 cm                                       l=vd ñKsú;a;d

Found in the wooded areas of the low lands and hills. Lives in pairs or small family parties. When moving through the trees feeding, they follow one after the other. The young resemble the female.

                   ORANGE MINIVET                                                                        (Pericrocotus flammeus)
Maha Miniwittha                                   20 cm                                       uy ñKsú;a;d
Found in wooded areas of the hills and low lands. Often seen family parties flying from tree to tree following one after the other. The young resemble the female.


1                    WHITE-BROWED FANTAIL-FLYCATCHER                              (Rhipidura aureola)
Sudu Avenpendamara                           16 cm                                       iqÿ wjka fmoudrd

2                    CEYLON SHAMA                                                                (Copsychus malabaricus)
Vana Polkichcha                                   25 cm                                       jk fmd,alsÉpd

3                    PARADISE FLYCATCHER                                     (Terpsiphone paradisi)
Rahanmara                                           40 cm                                       reyekaudrd

4                    CEYLON PYGMY WOODPECKER                                   (m)(Dendrocopos nanus)
Kurugomara -karala                             13 cm                                       l=re-f.daur lEr,d

5                    CEYLON GREY TIT                                                                        (Parus major)
Alu- Tikirittha                                                   13 cm                                       w¿ álsß;a;d

6                    BLACK-HEADED MUNIA                                                             (Lonchura malacca)
Hisa Kalu Wee Kurulla                         10 cm                           ysi l¿ ù l=re,a,d

7                    WHITE- BACKED MUNIA                                                             (Lonchura striata)
Pita Sudu Wee Kurulla                         10 cm                           msg iqÿ ù l=re,a,d

8                    FOREST WAGTAIL                                                                         (Motacilla indica)
Kala Halapenda                                                16 cm                                       le,E ye,fmkaod

9                    CEYLON PIED BUSH-CHAT                                                          (m)(Saxicola caprata)
Gomara Sittibichcha                                          14 cm                                       f.daur isáìÉpd

10                CEYLON PIED SHRIKE                                                                 (Hemipus picatus)

11                CEYLON BLACK ROBIN                                                   (m)(Saxicoloides fulicata)
Kalu- Kichcha                                                  16 cm                                       l¿ lsÉpd

12                SOUTHERN MAGPIE-ROBIN                                                       (m)(Copsychus saularis)
Pol Kichcha                              20 cm                                       fmd,a lsÉpd


1                    CEYLON HILL MUNIA
Kandukara Wee Kurulla                             10 cm                                       lÿlr ù l=re,a,d

2                    WHITE-THROATED MUNIA
Gela Sudu Wee Kurulla                              10 cm                                  f., iqqÿ ù l=re,a,d

3                    SPOTTED MUNIA
Thith Wee Kurulla                          10 cm                                       ;s;a ù l=re,a,d

4                    CEYLON SMALL FLOWERPECKER
Kuda Pilalichcha                                         8 cm                                         l=vd ms,,sÉpd

5                    BROWN FLYCATCHER
Dumburu Masimara                                    13 cm                                       ÿUqre ueisudrd

6                    CEYLON HOUSE SPARROW
Ge Kurulla                                                  15 cm                           f.a l=re,a,d $pglhd

7                    INDIAN SKY-LARK
Guwan Thulikawa                           16 cm                                       .=jka ;=<sldjd

8                    BUSH-LARK
Akul Thulikawa                              15 cm                                       wl=,a ;=<sldjd

9                    INDIAN PIPIT
Indiyanu Varatichcha                      17 cm                                       bkaÈhdkq jeráÉpd

Lanka Mudun Bora Demalichcha                15 cm               ,xld uqÿka fndr fou,sÉpd

11                CEYLON BUSTARD-QUAIL
Bola-watuwa                                  16 cm                                       fnda, jgqjd


1                    PALM-SWIFT                                                                                   (Cypsiurus parvus)
Thal-Thurithaya                                    13 cm                                                   ;,a ;=ß;hd

2                    INDIAN CRESTED TREE-SWIFT                                     (m)(Hemiprocne longipennis)
Silu Ruk Thurithaya                               23 cm                                       is¿ rela ;=ß;hd

3                    HILL SWALLOW                                                                             (Hirundo dumicola)
Kandukara wehi Lihiniya                       14 cm                           lÿlr jeys ,sysKshd

4                    EASTERN SWALLOW                                                                    (Hirundo rustica )
Wehi Lihiniya                                        15 cm                                       jeys ,sysKshd

5                    LOTEN’S SUNBIRD                                                                        (Nectarinia lotenia)
Lotenge Sutikka                                   13 cm                                       f,dagka f.a iQálald

6                    PURPLE SUNBIRD                                                                          (Nectarinia asiatica )
Dam Sutikka                                        10 cm                                       oï iQálald

7                    PURPLE-RUMPED SUNBIRD                                                       (Nectarinia zeylonica )
Dam Kati Sutikka                                 10 cm                                       oï là iQálald


1                    CEYLON GOLDEN-BACKED WOODPECKER  (f)(Dinopium benghalese)
Pita Ran Rath   Kerala                          28 cm                                       msg rka r;a lEr,d

2                    YELLOW-BROWED BULBUL                                                       (Hypsipetes indicus)
Bama Kaha Guluguduwa                                  20 cm                           neu ly .=¿.=vqjd

3                    YELLOW-EARED BULBUL                                               (E)(Pycnonotus penicillatus )
Lanka petha Kan Kondaya                               20 cm                           ,xld mS; lka fldKavhd

4                    STORK-BILLED KINGFISHER(m)(Oriolus xanthornus )
Mana Thudu Maha Pilihuduwa              38 cm                           udkd ;=vq uy ms<syqvqjd

5                    CEYLON BLACK-HEADED ORIOLE(Pycnonotus melanicterus )
Hisa Kalu Kaha Kurulla                                    25 cm                           ysi l¿ ly l=re,a,d

6                    INDIAN WHITE-BREASTED KINGFISHER(Halcyon smyrnensis )
Layasudu Pilihuduwa                            28 cm                                       <hiqÿ ms<syqvqjd

7                    CEYLON RED-BACKED WOODPECKER(m)(Dinopium benghalese )
Pita Ran Rath Kerala                            28 cm                                       msg rka r;a lEr,d

8                    INDIAN ROLLER(Gorasias bengalensis )
Dum Bonna                                          33 cm                                       ÿï fndkakd

9                    SOUTHERN RUFOUS-RUMPED SHRIKE(Lanius schach )
Rathu Kati Sabariththa              25 cm                                       r;= là inß;a;d

10                PAINTED-SNIPE(f)(Rostratula benghalensis )
Ulu Kaswatuwa                        25 cm                                       W¿ leiajgqjd

11                CEYLON HOOPOE(Upupa epops )
Poroluwa                                  30 cm                                       fmdfrda¿jd



CEYLON PIED KINGFISHER                                                (Ceryle rudis )
Gomara Kalapu Pilihuduwa             30 cm                           f.daur l<mq ms<syqvqjd

PIED CRESTED-CUCKOO(Clamator coromandus )
Path Rathu Konda Koha                             45 cm                           m;a r;= fldkav fldyd

COMMON GRACKLE(Gracula religosa )
Podu Salalihiniya                             25cm                                        fmdÿ ie<,sysKshd


            INDIAN KOEL(f)(Eudyímys scolopacea )
Koha                            43 cm                                       fldyd

            CEYLON SPOTTED DOVE(Streptopelia chinensis )
Alukobeiya                               30 cm                                       w¿ fldfnhshd

Large miscellaneous

malabar pied hornbill                                     (m)(Anthracoceros)
Monara /Sebeda                             61 cm                           fmdfrda lEoe;a;d

Found in the forests of the dry zone lowlands near water. A large ungainly bird, usually seen in small flocks jumping from branch to branch, or flying heavily from tree to tree. Female have less back on their beaks.

                  Bill with a prominent casqued.
                  Female: naked white skin around the eye.
Male: black at gape extends to upper mandible. Less white around eye. Posterior edge of     
casqued black .

Endemic species
Forest, open areas. Roots in large numbers in the non-breeding season.

indian peafowl                                                       (Motacilla indica)
Monara /Sebeda                                                                 fudKrd $ finv

Common in open wooded areas of the low country dry zone National Parks and Sanctuaries where it is protected, but rare elsewhere. Can be seen displaying in full breeding plumage at the beginning of the year. Females are duller lack the long tail.
102-117 cm (without train). Characteristic crest feathers on head.

Male : Brilliant, glistening-blue neck and breast.                                          
Female: No train, brown and white plumage.

southern coucal                                                               (Centropus sinensis)
Ati-Kukula                         48 cm                                       weá-l=l=<d

found throughout the Island. A sulkers, sometimes seen walking stealthily in the open close to cover. Its Flight is heavy and laboured. Sexes alike.

Endemic species
                  Forest, residential areas

            ceylon jungle fowl                                             (m) (E) (Gallus lafayetti)
      (Lanka wali kukula)                                                                      ,xld j,s l=l=,d

Found in forests throughout the Island, but commonest in the National Parks. A typical fowl, strutting about and scratching the ground for food. Females are brown and speckled.

Male: Crimson comb with a central yellow patch and long tail feathers. 70 cm
Female: upperparts brown, vermiculated with black                                      35 cm


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